1. Cancellation Timeframe:
  • Orders can only be canceled within 2 hours of order placement. Once the order has been processed, cancellation requests will not be entertained.
  1. Mandatory Parcel Receipt:
  • In the event that the order has been processed and the parcel is ready for delivery, the consignee must accept the parcel upon delivery. Failure to do so will result in the customer bearing the delivery charges.
  1. Payment Refund Policy:
  • Orders canceled within the specified timeframe will be eligible for a full refund.
  • However, in the event of a delay caused by unforeseen circumstances, such as logistical issues or high order volumes, the payment will not be refunded. Instead, the parcel will be processed and delivered within 24 hours from our end.
  1. Process Time for Parcel:
  • We endeavor to process and dispatch parcels promptly. Your order will be processed and dispatched within 24 hours of confirmation.
  1. Cancel Order Procedure:
  • To cancel an order, please contact our customer support team via email or phone within the stipulated 2-hour timeframe. Provide your order details for cancellation.
  1. Exceptions:
  • Once the parcel has been dispatched, cancellation requests will not be entertained. In such cases, the parcel must be accepted upon delivery, and any concerns regarding the order can be addressed through our return or exchange policy.
  1. Customer Support:
  • Our customer support team is available to assist you with any queries or concerns regarding order cancellation. Please feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
  1. Policy Updates:
  • We reserve the right to update or modify our cancel order policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be reflected on our website.
By placing an order with us, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this cancel order policy. Thank you for choosing Sana Abbas. We strive to provide you with a seamless shopping experience and efficient customer service.